Thursday, March 30, 2006

We are right ... er ... left

To ease the traffic congestion they are gonna drive on the left side of the road in Kansas city. We Indians knew about it all along, welcome to the 21st century!! And here is another story that my parents would have loved to tell me and would have reminded me throughout my life ... not that they do that know (joking).

It takes 8,460 bolts to assemble an automobile, and one nut to scatter it all over the road

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lessons of life 2345

This is what I learnt today

  1. Don't divorce my wife in my sleep, if I get married and if I become a Muslim
  2. Take my 10th and 12th board exams in Utter Pradesh, if I can find a time machine and go back.
I guess that was enough lessons for a day!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The making of a workaholic

Its official people I am a workaholic at least in the interim duration. This is the 5th weekend working and am probably gonna cross 100 hours of overtime for this month, thats almost like working 7 weeks in a 4 and half week period!!

I have also found the attraction for working such hours ... money! If I knew I could make so much money by working overtime I would have done it a long time back and tried to payback all my credit card debts a long time. Of course it would have gone against the grain of Ulysses' DNA to be a fulltime workaholic. Small spurts of crazy work is acceptable but in large doses they turn into kryptonite.

In the middle of all this craziness I was able to go to a gun show today. I really didn't realise how easy it was to get a AK-47 till today, you just go and get whatever gun you fancy ;). Man Uncle Sam rocks!!!

"Don't sacrifice your life to work and ideals.
The most important things in life are human relations."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The sky is falling??

Spring was supposed to begin yesterday but looks like winter is staging a comeback. This winter was definitely better than the last one or atleast much warmer with me having to use the ice scraper only once. And then when it was getting all springy and fuzzy winter attacked with a furry, dumping more than 2 inches of snow on my car.

Being the lazy bundle that I am the snow is still on my car ... didn't really get around to scraping it off. I would just like to reiterate that I prefer to be burnt rather than be frozen ... nobody would like and "Indian Popsicle" but a "Fiery Indian" heck ya!!!


Sunday, March 19, 2006

72 hours

That's my count for last week... I know it sounds like a workaholic ... which I am definitely not. So why did I work 72 hours?? I have no freaking idea! But one thing I do know is that I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon. Just realised that I had a life too, it might not be much but it definitely is better than work. Working these many hours have also taught me how workaholics are made ... its the money ;). Well who wouldn't want more of that, free is preferred but oh well can't complain about it.

Hope to upload pictures of Scott's wedding soon with me in my tuxedo! My first ever, though the only difference that I see with a three piece suit is that the pant has a line at the side.

Peace out u'll my brains is overheated ...

Monday, March 13, 2006

Starting over

Its just that starting over.....