Saturday, March 25, 2006

The making of a workaholic

Its official people I am a workaholic at least in the interim duration. This is the 5th weekend working and am probably gonna cross 100 hours of overtime for this month, thats almost like working 7 weeks in a 4 and half week period!!

I have also found the attraction for working such hours ... money! If I knew I could make so much money by working overtime I would have done it a long time back and tried to payback all my credit card debts a long time. Of course it would have gone against the grain of Ulysses' DNA to be a fulltime workaholic. Small spurts of crazy work is acceptable but in large doses they turn into kryptonite.

In the middle of all this craziness I was able to go to a gun show today. I really didn't realise how easy it was to get a AK-47 till today, you just go and get whatever gun you fancy ;). Man Uncle Sam rocks!!!

"Don't sacrifice your life to work and ideals.
The most important things in life are human relations."


Anonymous said...

Get a license for carrying a concealed weapon..see what hoopla they make you jump..just curious..since you are crazy about weapons, thought I might suggest it to you..

NoViCe said...

Need to first buy the handgun ... I think the red tape and suspicion would start there :)