Tuesday, May 02, 2006

American "Geography"

I finally have proof for what I already knew, the war in Iraq is not helping increase American's geographical knowledge! According to latest studies two thirds of Americans in the 18 to 24 age group still cannot pinpoint Iraq. Worse one third don't even know where Louisiana is.

Its not even funny when almost don't even know where New York or Ohio was. My grandma would know that, inspite of the fact that she has never been to the US of A. The only 'positive note' of the study was that 70% of the respondents could pin point China. 33% also thought that the US-Mexico border was the most fortified in the world ... helloo... shut down that reality show and watch some news for a change.

On a more 'serious' note, a 104 year old lady just married a 33 year old man as her 21st husband in Indonesia. Some people never learn!

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography"
-Ambrose Bierce
P.S: We just proved that wrong!


Hermit said...

some people know to have fun even if they are 104..it's never too late to learn, right?

Well, when everyone has taken your home, your car, your education and your country, might be you will learn something..if not, it just might be that you don't really care what goes on around you...now that everyone knows that the world is round and not flat..what did it prompt us to do..travel, migrate, see the world..coz who knows we will end up where it all began...and that goes with your soul too..

NoViCe said...

21 marriages later she still hasn't realised how expensive it is :)

Hermit said...

haha..it's not expensive when you are benefiting from all those marriages..it's the guy who pays for it all..can't you see why she would be doing it all along..someone other than her is paying the bill..that's why prenups came into existence (modern invention to prevent financial catastrophe)..would someone marry you 21 times if you didn't have wealth or at least pretend that you are wealthy..why do you think life insurance works? so that the surviving members can benefit..it comes in handy each time..find an ole dude who is just on his last leg (e.g. Anna Nicole Smith - just for a real life example), get married to him and then claim the benefits of that relationship..you cannot live without money in this world..Printed on a dollar bill "In God We Trust"..If that is your God, yeah..find someone who can give you loads and loads of that and see how much of that you can take with you when you die (what if you have gained the whole world and lost your soul?) Ye cannot serve God and Mammon...well, you get my point..if you work, you will get paid..every employer likes a hardworking employee always..if it is a family owned business, they will never let a hard working employee leave the organization..Governments come and go and with each new management team, they can hire and fire if you don't put up with their polytricks..