Monday, August 14, 2006

Woman gives birth to Myracle in wrecked car - Aug 14, 2006 - Woman gives birth to Myracle in wrecked car - Aug 14, 2006: "Woman gives birth to Myracle" ... well now thats truly a miracle!

1 comment:

Hermit said...

where is her husband? why didn't she tell anyone? What about friends and other family? What about work mates? Really, are we that isolated in the world we live in..or have we created this mess for ourselves..Where is love? A child is born because two people love each other (has that changed since man came from monkeys???)...It is a miracle that the mother and child were found alive..Children are a gift from God..He knows us even before we were in the womb of our mother..just goes to point out that God is still on the Throne