Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What would you stand up for?

Thats a rhetorical question that most people would ask themselves atleast once in their life. This question is given the utmost consideration, when the decision affects a lot of people or the society in general. But in most real life mundane situations nobody even spares a thought. Is there a double standard in standing up for your principles? Do you only stand up for it when it will make people look up to you? Or would you stand up when most would call it frivolous ?

From experience I have found that it is easier to stand up in the open than behind closed doors among friends and family. Am I the only one?


Unknown said...

I guess all that any person ever needs to stand up for is oneself. If all of us are able to do that, every other aspect of the question should automatically fall into place.

Don't you think?

NoViCe said...

But would you do it at any cost? When would you draw line on when the relationship becomes more important than your principle?

Sometimes our principles maybe in conflict with those of the people close to us and its hard to draw a line when we can say that we won't bend out principles anymore.

Unknown said...

If love/relationships were my principal principle bypassing many of my other principles, then the question of conflict never arises.

When faced with a choice, I choose my principal principle. :) I would stand up for that.

NoViCe said...

That's fair enough!

Hermit said...

Brother, when someone puts a gun to the head a lot of people start singing a different tune. Let's start by stating what our principles are at the outset (so when we see a gun at our necks we won't be singing a different tune)..we can then see how many times we have shied away to save our own neck...fair enough!!!