Saturday, April 29, 2006

God save the kids!

Which kids? My church ones. This past week due to various circumstances I was asked to temporarily lead the youth at my church. I know what you all are immediately wondering, who in their right mind would give me the responsibility to mould young minds. And just to set the record straight, not everybody knows about me and hence they implicitly trust me with such responsibilities.

Jokes apart, the first meeting was really fun. I can only hope that they can learn as much as I am going to learn from them. It was also a wake up call for me on certain aspects of my life. Have you ever wondered how responsibilities make us suddenly age overnight. It changes your prospective on things and makes you think your actions through more thoroughly.

“It is less painful to learn in youth than to be ignorant in age
Don't forget to sign up for the beta testing :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The wedding story

I am usually not a sucker for forwards, but this was too good to pass :-)

Grandmother was pretending to be lost in prayer, but her prayer-beads
were spinning at top speed. That meant she was either excited or upset.
Mother put the receiver down. "Some American girl in his office, she's
coming to stay with us for a week." She sounded as if she had a deep
foreboding. Father had no such doubt. He knew the worst was to come. He
had been matching horoscopes for a year, but my brother Vivek had found
a million excuses for not being able to visit India, call any of the
chosen Iyer girls, or in any other way advance father's cause. Father
always wore four parallel lines of sacred ash on his forehead. Now there
were eight, so deep were the furrows of worry on his forehead. I sat in
a corner, supposedly lost in a book, but furiously text-messaging my
brother with a vivid description of the scene before me.

A few days later I stood outside the airport with father. He tried not
to look directly at any American woman going past, and held up the card
reading "Barbara". Finally a large woman stepped out, waved wildly and
shouted "Hiiii! Mr. Aayyyezh, how ARE you?" Everyone turned and looked
at us. Father shrank visibly before my eyes. Barbara took three long
steps and covered father in a tight embrace. Father's jiggling out of it
was too funny to watch. I could hear him whispering "Shiva shiva!". She
shouted "you must be Vijaantee?" "Yes, Vyjayanthi" I said with a smile.
I imagined little half-Indian children calling me "Vijaantee aunty!".
Suddenly, my colorless existence in Madurai had perked up. For at least
the next one week, life promised to be quite exciting.

Soon we were eating lunch at home. Barbara had changed into an even
shorter skirt. The low neckline of her blouse was just in line with
father's eyes. He was glaring at mother as if she had conjured up
Barbara just to torture him. Barbara was asking "You only have
vegetarian food? Always??" as if the idea was shocking to her. "You know
what really goes well with Indian food, especially chicken? Indian
beer!" she said with a pleasant smile, seemingly oblivious to the
apoplexy of the gentleman in front of her, or the choking sounds coming
from mother. I had to quickly duck under the table to hide my giggles.

Everyone tried to get the facts without asking the one question on all
our minds: What was the exact nature of the relationship between Vivek
and Barbara? She brought out a laptop computer. "I have some pictures of
Vivek" she said. All of us crowded around her. The first picture was
quite innocuous. Vivek was wearing shorts, and standing alone on the
beach. In the next photo, he had Barbara draped all over him. She was
wearing a skimpy bikini and leaning across, with her hand lovingly
circling his neck. Father got up, and flicked the towel off his
shoulder. It was a gesture we in the family had learned to fear. He
literally ran to the door and went out. Barbara said "It must be hard
for Mr. Aayyezh. He must be missing his son." We didn't have the heart
to tell her that if said son had been within reach, father would have
lovingly wrung his neck.

My parents and grandmother apparently had reached an unspoken agreement.
They would deal with Vivek later. Right now Barbara was a foreigner, a
lone woman, and needed to be treated as an honored guest. It must be
said that Barbara didn't make that one bit easy. Soon mother wore a
perpetual frown. Father looked as though he could use some of that
famous Indian beer.

Vivek had said he would be in a conference in Guatemala all week, and
would be off both phone and email. But Barbara had long lovey-dovey
conversations with two other men, one man named Steve and another named
Keith. The rest of us strained to hear every interesting word. "I miss
you!" she said to both. She also kept talking with us about Vivek, and
about the places they'd visited together. She had pictures to prove it,
too. It was all very confusing.

This was the best play I'd watched in a long time. It was even better
than the day my cousin ran away with a Telugu Christian girl. My aunt
had come howling through the door, though I noticed that she made it to
the plushest sofa before falling in a faint. Father said that if it had
been his child, the door would have been forever shut in his face. Aunt
promptly revived and said "You'll know when it is your child!" How my
aunt would rejoice if she knew of Barbara!

On day five of her visit, the family awoke to the awful sound of
Barbara's retching. The bathroom door was shut, the water was running,
but far louder was the sound of Barbara crying and throwing up at the
same time. Mother and grandmother exchanged ominous glances. Barbara
came out, and her face was red. "I don't know why", she said, "I feel
queasy in the mornings now." If she had seen as many Indian movies as
I'd seen, she'd know why. Mother was standing as if turned to stone. Was
she supposed to react with the compassion reserved for pregnant women?
With the criticism reserved for pregnant unmarried women? With the fear
reserved for pregnant unmarried foreign women who could embroil one's
son in a paternity suit? Mother, who navigated familiar flows of married
life with the skill of a champion oarsman, now seemed completely taken
off her moorings. She seemed to hope that if she didn't react it might
all disappear like a bad dream.

I made a mental note to not leave home at all for the next week.
Whatever my parents would say to Vivek when they finally got a-hold of
him would be too interesting to miss. But they never got a chance. The
day Barbara was to leave, we got a terse email from Vivek. "Sorry, still
stuck in Guatemala. Just wanted to mention, another friend of mine,
Sameera Sheikh, needs a place to stay. She'll fly in from Hyderabad
tomorrow at 10am. Sorry for the trouble."

So there we were, father and I, with a board saying "Sameera". At last a
pretty young woman in salwar-khameez saw the board, gave the smallest of
smiles, and walked quietly towards us. When she did 'Namaste' to father,
I thought I saw his eyes mist up. She took my hand in the friendliest
way and said "Hello, Vyjayanthi, I've heard so much about you." I fell
in love with her. In the car father was unusually friendly. She and
Vivek had been in the same group of friends in Ohio University. She now
worked as a Child Psychologist.

She didn't seem to be too bad at family psychology either. She took out
a shawl for grandmother, a saree for mother and Hyderabadi bangles for
me. "Just some small things. I have to meet a professor at Madurai
university, and it's so nice of you to let me stay" she said. Everyone
cheered up. Even grandmother smiled. At lunch she said "This is so nice.
When I make sambar, it comes out like chole, and my chole tastes just
like sambar". Mother was smiling. "Oh just watch for 2 days, you'll pick
it up." Grandmother had never allowed a muslim to enter the kitchen. But
mother seemed to have taken charge, and decided she would bring in who
ever she felt was worthy. Sameera circumspectly stayed out of the puja
room, but on the third day, I was stunned to see father inviting her in
and telling her which idols had come to him from his father. "God is
one" he said. Sameera nodded sagely.

By the fifth day, I could see the thought forming in the family's
collective brains. If this fellow had to choose his own bride, why
couldn't it be someone like Sameera? On the sixth day, when Vivek called
from the airport saying he had cut short his Gautemala trip and was on
his way home, all had a million things to discuss with him. He arrived
by taxi at a time when Sameera had gone to the University. "So, how was
Barbara's visit?" he asked blithely. "How do you know her?" mother asked
sternly. "She's my secretary" he said. "She works very hard, and she'll
do anything to help." He turned and winked at me. Oh, I got the plot
now! By the time Sameera returned home that evening, it was almost as if
her joining the family was the elders' idea. "Don't worry about
anything", they said, "we'll talk with your parents."

On the wedding day a huge bouquet arrived from Barbara.
"Flight to India - $1500.
Indian kurta - $5.
Emetic to throw up - $1.
The look on your parents' faces - priceless" it said.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Life's Hard!

I'm always tempted to ask "compared to what?" when I hear that refrain. If you think its hard you need to try death for a change. The other favourite refrain is that life is unfair. Logically since everybody thinks life is unfair, you are only led to believe that life is fair by being unfair to everybody.

We really cannot control our external circumstances but we sure can control our response to it. It is a choice we make, whether to go through life with a positive or a negative outlook.

Some people are so fond of ill-luck that they run half-way to meet it
P.S:If you want to be part of the first few to preview the new, let me know.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Stupidity #6742

There isn't a single place I can turn to without having somebody asking me if I am married or trying to hook me up. Then there is this place in India where the legitimately married are being forced apart by the society for the stupidest of reasons. If it had been an elopement I wouldn't have batted a eye, but for something as stupid as using the talaq when the person was drunk ... Well atleast the supreme court was sane enough to do something about it.

So here is stupidity #6742 - Don't hold a person to his drunken ramble, specially the outrageous.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Woman power

This might not interest everybody ... but Chennai(My hometown) has got its first woman Police commissioner!!
P..S: did you get a taste of

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What are friends for ?

Watch your back if you got a friend like me !!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


This is what you get if you cross a Dalmation with a English Terrier ... If you are wondering, yes they are ours!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life's lesson #38356

Its ok to hold on to those really torn pair of shoes even though I have not worn them for the last 10 years. I am just exhibiting a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) called compulsive hoarding like the millions out there

Note to self : Talk to uncles stop grandma can drag her three sacks of old Christian books around stop not associated with her senility stop associated with her untreated CHD stop.

Other lessons learned doing my work ...

  • Don't marry 32 wives - you will get beheaded ... though you also get a state funeral after 4 years.
  • Bull fighting is child's play, if only my dad had only taken me to one of those local bull fights when I was 6!!!
  • I am glad I was born in India and not in Togo
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need more

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Scott's Wedding

Got a picture post for you today!!

The couple!!!!

Breaking it down

The studs (Ouch)

The Lazy dance - YMCA!!!!

"The appropriate age for marriage is around eighteen for girls and thirty-seven for men."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dynasty Warriors

If there was one game that I wanted to play on a PS2 it was this game. I fell in love the first moments my eyes fell on it. And what do you think I would do the moment I get a PS2 from a friend ... I bought that game and have finally finished it today. And all it took me was 2 weeks, of which one week was a 80 hour work week and another a 72 hour work week :). What whould I have done if I had a 40 horu week ?? only heaven knows!!!!

Now I know that I have the potential to be a great gamer but the good soul in me didn't want to take anything from the poor geeks!!!
The only other game that I have finished is "Age of empires 1/2" The best game ever!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Nowhere to hide...

Welcome to the Midwest home to the best tornadoes ever. The above picture was taken by a friend of a colleague of mine. One of the tornadoes that hit my part of the country yesterday. This indeed proves that there is no where to hide from nature. If it wants to get you, the arsenal is pretty heavy from the tsunami's to the earthquakes. All we can do is to eat drink and be merry!!!!

Till laters ...

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Guess what relaxation for me was? Going and testing out my rifle with a couple of friends who had bigger guns. Mr. Daffy has enough guns to arm a whole neighbourhood and break my shoulder. Also got to shoot the 44 Magnum amd M1 carbine . My gun ofcourse is the 30-30 centrefire Marlin. Next time it would be the AK-47 the best gun in the world!!!

I have officially hit the 80 hour a week mark. Though I still don't accept the fact that I am a workaholic, not even after staying up last night working and still continuing to work. Anyhoo I shouldn't be complain 'cause I get paid for it.

People always want somebody else to pay for them, as the age old tradition of child-sacrifice continues.

One more reason not to be an atheist they don't trust you