Sunday, April 02, 2006


Guess what relaxation for me was? Going and testing out my rifle with a couple of friends who had bigger guns. Mr. Daffy has enough guns to arm a whole neighbourhood and break my shoulder. Also got to shoot the 44 Magnum amd M1 carbine . My gun ofcourse is the 30-30 centrefire Marlin. Next time it would be the AK-47 the best gun in the world!!!

I have officially hit the 80 hour a week mark. Though I still don't accept the fact that I am a workaholic, not even after staying up last night working and still continuing to work. Anyhoo I shouldn't be complain 'cause I get paid for it.

People always want somebody else to pay for them, as the age old tradition of child-sacrifice continues.

One more reason not to be an atheist they don't trust you

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